All About Surrogacy: The myths and facts

All About Surrogacy The myths and facts - Zeeva Fertility

Motherhood is a beautiful gift of nature to women. Giving birth to a life is an incredible experience for a woman. The body goes through a lot of emotional, hormonal, and physical changes during and after this period. Unfortunately, there are some women who are unable to carry a child. There can be various reasons for that such as the uterus is not strong enough to hold the fetus, the age of the mother, or any medical reason. Earlier, there was no option other than adopting a child but today with growing technology such as ivf center in Noida, having a child even if you are incapable to carry, it is possible. With the help of surrogacy, one can have a child of her own. 

How does surrogacy work?

Surrogacy is a medical and legal procedure. In this procedure, it is important to have the consent (legally) of the woman who will be bearing the child in her womb. In this, the egg of the mother and sperm of the father is cultured in vitro in a laboratory.  The embryo formed is then transferred to the surrogate for implantation. Once the embryo is implanted into the uterus, the gestation period (pregnancy) begins. 

Why choose surrogacy?

A couple experiencing infertility issues requires surrogacy. There are various reasons due to which doctors suggest surrogacy. Some of the reasons are:

  • The incapability of holding the fetus
  • Age factor
  • Infertility issues
  • Recurrent miscarriages
  • Couples of same-sex prefer surrogacy
  • Single people also want to have a biological child
  • Infertility in males
  • Less motile sperm or less sperm count

Myths and Facts about surrogacy:

Myth 1: Surrogacy is for celebrities and for the wealthy:

Fact:  Couples that intent to have a child through surrogacy requires some extra money. As there is added cost of IVF treatment and cost to pay to surrogate for taking care of the child including her medical expenses. The cost depends on various factors such as a donor egg or sperm is required or not. Place where surrogacy procedure is carried out and the location of the surrogate.

Myth 2: Surrogate mothers offer their help for money

Fact: A surrogate mothers goes through vigorous medical procedures and legal procedures too. Further, the body changes, there is a need to adapt to the new surrounding; the entire lifestyle changes, and a lot of medicines are put in the system. In some cases, it is very difficult for a surrogate to gel into a different lifestyle with a different diet pattern. And most importantly, she can’t see the child she kept in her womb for 9 months. The money is given to her at the last after she has done that much. One can’t put a price tag on what she goes through the entire procedure.

Myth 3: Surrogacy is an excuse for women in order to prevent any changes in their figure

Fact: Surrogacy is not an easy option. It takes months to get a healthy surrogate that meets all your requirements.  Parents that struggle for years due to infertility mostly go for surrogacy. It is their last chance after other fertility treatments. Also, in few cases such as a single parent or same-sex couples, surrogacy is a necessity more than a luxury. Surrogacy doctors in Noida, provide both emotional support and counseling regarding surrogacy.

Myth 4: Surrogate mother can keep the child

Fact: It is a very common fear among parents that one day the surrogate will come and ask for their child. This is not at all true. There is a legal procedure behind this; the surrogate mother has no right to have the child. Further, regular counseling is done to help her not getting attached to the child as the child doesn’t belong to her.

Myth 5: Parents do not connect with the surrogate child

Fact: Parents connect with their children the moment they see him or her and hold him or her in their hands. Further, they are in constant touch with the surrogate. They are present in their appointments, they see the ultrasound, and hear the heartbeat of their child. All these things create a bond long before the child is born.

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