Author Archives: Zeeva

Repeated Implantation Failure


Journey is a roller coaster ride with a happy ending. But for some patients, it is a bumpy ride due to repeated implantation failure (RIF). Repeated implantation failure (RIF) is a condition in which patient is not able to get clinically pregnant after 2 or 3 cycles of IVF procedure. RIF is most challenging and […]

Do you really need the endometrial receptivity array test (ERA)


Due to repeated implantation failures during IVF procedure patients become distressed. This situation also turns out to be complicated for IVF specialist who is performing all steps of IVF procedure carefully. In such situations, IVF specialist performs various tests to identify the sole reason behind implantation failure. There are two main reasons for implantation failures […]

Precaution Following Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)


IUI technique is used to treat • Male infertility • Unexplained infertility • Women with cervical factor In IUI , sperm is artificially introduced into the female uterus for fertilization IUI is a simple, cheaper and less invasive technique as compared to other IVF technique. The success rate of IUI procedure is lies between 15% – 20 % […]

Precautions For The Egg Retrieval Procedure


Egg retrieval is a minimal invasive surgery in which eggs are removed from an ovary. Afterwards eggs are fertilized with the sperm in the laboratory to produce embryos for transferring into the mother’s womb. This procedure usually takes 15 -20 minutes and it is a painless procedure as its usually conducted under light anaesthesia or […]

Precautions Following Embryo Transfer


Embryo transfer is the last but most crucial step of IVF procedure. Success rate of embryo implantation depends on many factors but it is also important to take certain necessary precautions pre and post embryo transfer from our side to help increase chance of success.  Drink plenty of water : It is always advisable to drink […]

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

What is Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) and its cause? OHSS is a manageable complication that might occur during infertility treatment mainly IVF. Usually ovaries are stimulated with medications (Clomiphene citrate or gonadotropin-releasing hormone) to make egg grow during infertility treatment further might lead to OHSS. Only 1 % – 10 % of such women population develops […]

Laser Assisted Hatching


The zona pellucida is an important layer surrounding the unfertilized or fertilized egg before and after fertilization.  The role zona pellucida plays before fertilization is to ensure that only one sperm can bind to egg and the rest are unable to penetrate the egg. After fertilization, the zona pellucid helps to keep the cells of embryo together and ensures implantation of […]

Is ICSI better than IVF?


Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a modified form of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and these procedures are Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART). Generally, couples who are planning for ART get confused between IVF and ICSI. These two procedures are more or less similar. The only difference is in the fertilization step of IVF and ICSI procedures. Difference between […]

Adenomyosis and Infertility


HEALTHY UTERUS The uterus wall consists of 3 layers; the inner layer is endometrium. Endometrium gets ready for pregnancy each month. If pregnancy does not occur, then the endometrium is shed during the menstrual cycle. The middle layer is myometrium composed of muscle cells. The outer layer is perimetrium. Adenomyosis is a benign (non – […]

Thyroid and Fertility – Are associated or not


Thyroid is a butterfly shaped endocrine gland located in the neck which is responsible for secreting thyroid hormone in the blood. The normal function of thyroid gland (production of T3 and T4 hormones in correct amount by thyroid) is maintained by hypothalamus and pituitary glands located in the brain. The role of hypothalamus is to secrete Thyrotrophin […]

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