How to have a healthy pregnancy? Guide for first-timers

If you’re in a state of shock from the events that unfolded, or you’re jumping in joy, we are here to support you with all the tips and tricks to pass through this time healthily and happily.  

Take a deep breath, sit comfortably, and let us direct you through the early days of conceiving. Given below are a few tips to get your pregnancy off to the most beautiful start. 

1. Taking care of your Diet:

Undeniably the first thought that comes up while working on a list on how to make the pregnancy as healthy as possible is what the diet should you be on. Diet not only conjectures the health of the baby, but it is also a vital issue in the progress of the embryo.

Moreover, the mother’s body needs more energy during the time, such as 350-500 extra calories when the pregnancy extends to the second and third trimesters, as suggested by various Doctors. Some of the healthy and tasteful things that you can make part of your diet can be:

1.For Breakfast:

  • Fruits 
  • Vegetables with Rava upma
  • Lots of vegetables with Poha
  • Oats porridge

2. For Lunch:

  • Vegetable and a bowl of curd, Roti with dal 
  • Parantha with dal
  • Parantha, Carrot, and peas with a bowl of curd and some butter
  • Pea rice with raita

3. For Dinner:

  • Mixed dal khichdi with a vegetable curry.
  • Chicken Rice/ Vegetable pulao with a bowl of yogurt
  • Plain parantha with a glass of buttermilk

 In short, the diet should be consistent with balanced nutrients that will be muscle strengthening foods.

2. Educate yourself:

Another dominant factor in having a healthy pregnancy, especially for first-timers, is to educate yourself. Educating yourself means that you seek guidance from various resources such as a book, internet, your mother or family, and so on. They will show you and explain how to work your way through pregnancy.

Mothers are the best way of educating yourself while you’re pregnant. The reason is that they are the only ones who will paint you the honest picture. They will let you in on the realities and remedies that they have discovered to work on them.

One thing you should keep in mind is that you should never feel shy to ask about something discomforting, from your close ones regarding pregnancy, no matter how small it is.

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