To be able to carry a child in your womb and give birth surely is a blessing. It is said that when a child is born, it is the beginning of a new life for the mother as well. A healthy pregnancy depends upon a plethora of factors and the sound health of the mother surely tops the list. As per the leading IVF specialists in Noida, if the mother is not healthy enough to carry the child to term, it can result in stillbirth or miscarriage, both of which are no less than nightmares for the couple who are planning to start a family.
Stepping into the beautiful journey of motherhood is not easy for everyone. However, assisted reproductive techniques like IVF and surrogacy have proved to be a boon for such women, or rather couples, who are not able to initiate this journey on their own. Surrogacy is the ultimate family building solution for those couples in which it is medically impossible for the female partner to conceive or carry a baby to term.

What is Surrogacy?
Surrogacy, which is offered at the best IVF clinics in Noida, is a third-party IVF technique in which the intended parents come into a legal agreement with a woman to become a surrogate mother to their child. The surrogate mother is impregnated by placing the zygote, which is formed by the assisted fertilization of the gametes taken from both the intended parents, in her womb and then allowing it to grow naturally. The surrogate mother carries the baby to term but has no legal rights over it and the baby is handed over to the intended parents as soon as it is born.
Overcoming the Social Stigmas
The idea of surrogacy may seem bizarre to some, and especially owing to the various myths and taboos associated with it. You will be surprised to know that the idea of surrogacy is not new, but has prevailed in our society since ages. The social stigma around the method has alleviated significantly in recent years, especially after many renowned Bollywood celebrities opted for it. The topic, which people use to earlier shy away from talking about, is now discussed widely and openly. The method is highly recommended by the top Infertility treatment specialists in the country.
Types of Surrogacy:
Surrogacy can be performed using two different techniques, based on which it is broadly classified as Traditional surrogacy and Gestational surrogacy.
The former, i.e. Traditional surrogacy, involves the insemination of the surrogate mother using the sperm taken from the intended father, which means that the baby is genetically related to the surrogate mother. Traditional surrogacy has been banned in India.
Gestational surrogacy, on the other hand, involves the use of the sperm and egg taken from the intended father and mother respectively and then fertilizing these using IVF technique. The resulting embryo is carefully placed in the uterus of the surrogate mother where it grows normally. Since the egg used in the procedure belongs to the intended mother, the surrogate mother is not genetically related to the baby. In such cases, the surrogate mother is only considered to be the birth mother, whereas, the biological mother is the one whose egg is used.
When should you consider surrogacy?
Surrogacy is a ray of hope for women who are not medically fit to carry a baby which may be due to the congenital absence of the uterus or some underlying health issue that is likely to interfere with the pregnancy. Surrogacy can easily help you step into the world of parenthood if you are suffering from severe health issues like:
- Uterine abnormalities – After the process of fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes, the zygote, so formed, gets implanted on the uterine lining (also known as the endometrial lining), where it continues to grow till term. Anomalies like uterine fibroids and scarring can severely damage the endometrial lining, thereby preventing the normal implantation of the zygote. As a result, the woman is not able to conceive.
- Chronic health issues – Underlying diseases and ailments affecting various different organs are likely to trigger prenatal complications which can pose a serious threat to both the child and the expected mother. These include a variety of renal, cardiovascular and hepatic diseases.
- Certain medication – Regular medication, taken for the management of an underlying disease or ailment, can also prove to be fatal for the fetus. If you are on any such medications, that cannot be discontinued, your doctor might recommend you to opt for surrogacy.
- Uterine malignancies – Uterine cancer is a condition marked by the uncontrollable multiplication of abnormal cells in the tissues of the uterus. The condition is progressive in nature and usually requires hysterectomy i.e. the surgical removal of the uterus. As such, the woman is no longer able to conceive or bear a child.
- Multiple failed attempts at IVF – IVF is usually the first resort of couples planning to take an assisted step towards parenthood. Although the procedure has a significantly high success rate, it may not work for everyone. This may be due to a couple of reasons which include the ovarian response to fertility medication or an unhealthy uterus. In such cases, surrogacy is the best resort.
You must be quite familiar with the term surrogacy by now. In my next blog, I will elaborate the topic further and help you understand the various ethics related to the same.